Feature: Five Minutes with... Adam Beecham

Graphic designer Adam Beecham spoke to Hatch'd about his bold and colourful creations.


HM: Tell us about what you do?

AB: I'm a graphic design student, I do graphic design. Most often I am designing for the web. I tend to describe myself as a critical thinker and problem solver, so I enjoy working with the constraints and challenges that come with designing for the web.

HM: How did you get into it?

AB: It's cliché to say I've always done it, since I was a child, isn't it? But that's the truth. I'd build my own board games, or make plans for my own video games complete with designs for the disc, box art, sometimes a map included à la Grand Theft Auto. After school I didn't know what I wanted to do next until I was browsing a university prospectus, came to a page on a graphic design, and it dawned on me that I had prepared my whole life for such a course.

HM: What are the best and worst aspects of what you do?

AB: It's always satisfying to have work go live, or to be in print, and for it to be used and appreciated. And delighting a client. Those have to be some of the best aspects, I think most creatives would agree. I'm not sure what the worst aspect would be, I try to pursue what I enjoy. I have had a less than amazing experience with a client, but I take that as a positive learning experience.

HM: What’s been inspiring you lately?

AB: My most recent project was based on urban cycling, and I went cycling in London, Cambridge and Amsterdam. I may have discovered a hobby for myself in cycling, it is so very inspiring! When you can quickly cover ground and expend so little energy, suddenly you feel totally free to explore and discover on impulse, on a whim. It's especially rewarding to cycle without a planned route or destination. A new idea springs up to you with every corner you turn it seems.

HM: Finally, is there anything in the pipeline you'd like to tell Hatch'd about?

AB: I'm graduating! It's both exciting and terrifying. It does feel just a little like I am racing toward a great yawning chasm. Incidentally I am looking for an internship or junior position, if there perhaps are any employers reading.


You can see more of Adam's work on his website and find out about the City Cycle Spontaneous here.

Tags:  Adam Beecham Graphic Design Derby Creative Creatives web design